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Pre Employment Medical Assessment

Benefits of Pre-Employment Medical Assessments

Pre employment and exit medicals forms part of recruitment and eventual employment process. A pre-employment medical will firstly allow your business to determine if an employee is fit to perform a job. This includes the ability perform their job in a safe manner for themselves and those around them. Secondly the full medical report will provide your company with a record of the employee’s overall health before they started their new job. This record is important for both employer and employee to have a “baseline” of their health specifically those health parts of the employee that are exposed to elements in the working environment. These elements that are harmful to employees could include loud noise that would affect employees hearing or ears and dust fumes that could affect the lung function of employees.

By performing a pre-employment medical and or exit medical your company will have a record to show that staff are being monitored for any adverse effects whilst working for you.

Your new employees’ pre-employment medical will involve various facets. The detail of these is largely dependent on the tasks being performed and the environment the employee is exposed to.

What tests are included in a Pre-Employment Medical Assessment

- Health questionnaire                                           

- Height, weight, body mass index

- Blood pressure and pulse                                     

- Blood glucose

- Range of movement, including grip strength       

- Lung function test

- Hearing test                                                             

- Vision test

- Urine or saliva drug test                                         

- Breath alcohol test


Railway, tunnel & pipeline medicals also fall under this category of medical and OHSMED provide LAM medical examinations for site safety requirements where applicable.


All Pre-employment medicals examination are performed by one of our qualified healthcare professionals.

If you are looking for someone who can provide pre-employment medical assessments and vision screening in Parnell, contact OHSMED. OHSMED offers employers and employees access to more than 12 years professional experience in Occupational Healthcare. OHSMED is an invaluable partner for all businesses ranging from tradesman “tradies'' to the largest construction and corporate organisations in Auckland.


Contact us to book an appointment today!

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